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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Caesar Vs. Brutus Heroic Traits and Tragic Flaws

Julius Caesar

Heroic Traits: 

•        Cried for the poor 
•        Cared for and helped the people of Rome
•        Took care of Rome
•        Brave

Tragic Flaws:

  • too ambitious for his own good
  • had too much ego
  • didn't respect his wife, her advice, or the soothsayer
  • oblivious to the conspiracy
  • too powerful

Marcus Brutus

Heroic Traits:

•        Only killed Caesar because he wanted the best for the people of Rome
•        Deep and sincere
•        Stoic of all emotions
•        Idealistic 

Tragic Flaws:

  • too trusting
  • believed the motives of others
  • put his public life above his personal life
  • naive
  • felt guilty

Julius Caesar
Marcus Brutus

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